Member count bot в Discord: добавление и настройка

Keeps track of the N-words sent per user with a fully functioning leaderboard

Some people are running clones of the original bot using its code. If you want to invite one of these clones to your server, there’s a list of them here

Rest in Peace

N-Word Counter


You were too beautiful for this world.

Fuck Discord

A Discord Bot that counts how many times each user has said the N-word. Created by NinjaSnail1080#8581

Prefix: @N-Word Counter#6989 (@mention)


This bot was originally created as a joke, but as it is running 24/7 I’ve decided to turn it into a public bot. It is still under
construction, and as this is a work in progress, bugs may occur from time to time as the bot is worked on. There are currently no
moderation commands or fun games, though I do intend to add these things.


  1. Get Python 3.6 or higher

This is required to run the bot

  1. Clone this repository

  2. Set up a virtual environment

Do python3 -m venv <path to repository>

  1. Once in the venv, install dependencies

Run python3 -m pip install -U -r REQUIREMENTS.txt

  1. Create a database in PostgreSQL

Главные функции и возможности

Бот для Дискорда Member Counter около 388 000 серверов-участников. Количество заинтересованных человек, которые доверяют боту подсчёт —  показатель для разработчиков, говорящий многое о том, что среди всех счётчиков люди выбирают именно этот.

Бот не отличается многофункциональностью, в нём не записано множество кодов, выполняющих прочие функции. Он умеет показывать всю необходимую пользователю статистику: количество участников, ботов, серверов (в которых состоит пользователь), ролей, общего количества вступивших (в том числе — ботов). Бот имеет хорошую настраиваемость, администратор может спокойно поменять название счётчика, удалять ненужные, выключать счётчик при необходимости.


N-word is a small bot that keeps track of n-words sent per-user. Hard r or not, this bot will pick it up. There is also a fully
functioning leaderboard that allows for users to see the most racist participants.

please note: there IS a cooldown on how quickly the nwords are recorded, so spamming giant blocks will not contribute towards
your score

How To Use

I keep track of every time a user says the N-word, hard R or not. I’m extremely simple to use and only have a few commands, listed below:

  • about
    • Some basic info about me
  • count <@mention user>
    • Get the number of times a user has said the N-word. If you don’t mention a user, I’ll get your N-word count
  • help
    • Sends the help command
  • invite
    • Sends an invite link so you can invite me to your own server
  • stats
    • View my statistics
  • top
    • See the leaderboard of the top N-word users of this server. Do top global to see the top users across all servers

Also check out MAT’s Bot, a multi-purpose bot created by the same person who created me!

Note: There’s a weird bug that happens somtimes where the bot sends an error message that says Missing Permissions. If this happens, giving the bot Administrator perms should fix it.

Inspired by the Reddit bot, u/nwordcountbot

Self-Hosting in Docker

  1. Clone this repo

  2. Edit and rename docker-compose upYou will need version 9.5 or higher. The database will store the n-word count for each user. There’s no centralized database.

  3. Setup configuration

There’s a file in the root directory called which contains two variables that are needed in order to run the bot. One is TOKEN, which is a string containing the Discord bot token. The other variable is POSTGRES, which is a string containing the DSN for the Postgres database created in step 5.

Important Note: You need to turn on the SERVER MEMBERS privileged intent in order for the bot to work. Follow these instructions to turn it on.

Also note that after October 7, 2020, all bots will have to be verified in order to be in more than 100 servers. I applied for verification on N-Word Counter several months ago, and Discord declined it.

Anyway, that’s about it. If you have any issues trying to run your own instance of the bot, DM me on Discord at NinjaSnail1080#8581. However, I won’t help you if you’re new to this sort of thing and don’t have any clue what you’re doing. I definitely don’t recommend self-hosting the bot yourself unless you have experience and actually know what you’re doing.


To the extent possible under law, NinjaSnail1080 has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to N-Word Counter.

This work is published from: United States.

Stats we’re proud of

*according to


nhelp ncheck ntotal ntop nlead ndelete
Displays all commands Checks amount of nwords sent by a user Checks total amount of n-words sent Displays the top user Retrieves top 10 users delete your saved data


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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: